Terms and Conditions


!! Before ordering, please inquire about the rules of the country where the order is made regarding the product and up to
then place the order. In some countries it is strictly forbidden to buy (even order online), use,
own or distribute products distributed through vapesquadwholesale.com
By using our website, you are aware of this and take responsibility for possible consequences !!

General terms and conditions of the online store (www.elfbarlions.com)

Article I.


The operator of the website (e-shop) is
Stoneclass  s.r.o.
Hlavná 22, 943 01 Sturovo.
VAT number: SK2122070709
ID number: 55740936

The seller is Stoneclass s.r.o. with registered office Hlavná 22, 943 01 Sturovo.

The supplier of goods and services offered in the e-shop www.elfbarlions.com is
Mufis s r o.
943 01 Štúrovo

A buyer is any e-shop visitor who has created a binding order through the e-shop.
For the purposes of the Act, especially Act No. 102/2014 Coll. consumer means a natural person who
the conclusion and performance of the consumer contract does not take place within the scope of its business activity,
employment or occupation.

An e-shop is a computer system located on the Internet with public access that enables
remote ordering of goods and services via an electronic device.

Goods or services are all products published on the e-shop pages, which are possible
order (they have a listed price and this one is not zero).

The buyer fully accepts electronic communication, especially through the e-shop, e-mail
communication as well as telephone communication, as long as it is indisputable that the seller communicates with
by the buyer or a person authorized by him.

For the relationship between the seller and the buyer, which was established otherwise than through electronic means
remote equipment and it is not a relationship between an information society service provider and
to recipients of information society services, these general terms and conditions apply only in
to the necessary extent that corresponds to legal regulations and the logical arrangement of the matter, unless
nothing else was agreed between them.

A reservation request represents a legally non-binding and time-limited reservation of a certain
available goods (i.e. which are “in stock”) from the seller’s current offer published on
pages of his e-shop, with the possibility of collection and payment exclusively in person at the point of sale, at
which does not result in an order and the buyer does not commit to purchase or take over in any other way
reserved goods, if you choose “in person at the store – reservation” as the method of delivery
goods”. The reservation request can be made repeatedly. Seller free of charge and for a limited time
period, the goods reserved in this way will be kept for the buyer at the point of sale without the request for
accepted the reservation (there is no negotiation or closing of the deal), which the buyer
provides the opportunity to consider the purchase of reserved goods. The buyer is entitled to request a reservation
cancel at any time. The seller is entitled to cancel the reservation request if he is unable to provide
or hold the goods reserved by the buyer at the point of sale. The reservation is canceled
automatically, when the reservation period expires in vain. The entire business (including the execution of legally binding
proposal for the purchase of reserved goods by the buyer, its acceptance by the seller, payment and

taking over of reserved goods) is carried out exclusively in person, at the point of sale (in the so-called
“stone store”).

Article II.

The price

All stated prices for goods and services are final, including 20% VAT.

The seller is bound by the price indicated on the e-shop page at the time of making the purchase.

The prices of the assortment offered in the e-shop may be different from the prices of the assortment at the point of sale
the seller.

Article III.

An order

1. The order is created by confirming the ordering process in the e-shop by selecting goods or services
to the buyer, including the complete filling out of the order form and its sending
to the seller. For the correct and proper processing of the order, it is necessary to fill in the required data in
order and choose shipping and payment options for the ordered goods or services.
2. By sending the order, the buyer agrees to the price of the ordered goods and services. Order to her
by sending it becomes binding for the buyer, i.e. it is a proposal for concluding a purchase contract with
by the seller.
3. An information notice is automatically generated and sent to the buyer after sending the order in the e-shop
e-mail stating that the buyer’s order has been delivered to the seller by the e-shop for processing.
This e-mail is not a confirmation of the goods in the sense of par. 5 of this article.
4. In case the buyer is asked to pay a deposit or advance payment or choose payment
by transfer to an account, i.e. any other method of payment in which funds are transferred to
by delivering goods or providing a service, he is obliged to make this payment within the specified period
supplier. In the event that payment is not credited to the supplier’s account within the stated due date,
the seller can cancel such an order for non-fulfillment of the buyer’s obligations to pay the deposit
or failure to pay in advance.
5. Confirmation of the order by the seller creates a purchase contract, which can be changed or
to be supplemented only on the basis of a mutual agreement between the buyer and the seller if the law or other legal
the regulation does not provide otherwise. Confirmation of the order by the seller is an electronic message
of the seller sent to the e-mail address of the buyer or a short text message sent to
the buyer’s mobile phone number, which the buyer specified in his order with information in which
scope, the acceptance of the buyer’s order is undisputed. The electronic message of the seller, which
does not confirm, reject or refuse the buyer’s order, or otherwise he clearly does not accept them
rejection of the buyer’s order.
6. If the seller is not able to fulfill the order or part of it within the deadline for processing the order
when exerting maximum effort, for reasons e.g. that the goods are not produced, are not available at
of the manufacturer or at the supplier’s external warehouse, the manufacturer has made such significant changes that it is not
possible to implement the order or for reasons of force majeure, the seller can cancel the order o
which informs the buyer. The seller also has the right to cancel the order, if the buyer in
provided false or misleading information in the order that cannot be verified, for example
incorrect e-mail, telephone contact or incorrect or non-existent address. If the buyer has paid
advance payment, the seller is obliged to return this to him within 14 days in case of cancellation or cancellation
7. In the event that the buyer makes a reservation of the goods, in that case no binding order is created and
nor a proposal to conclude a purchase contract. The seller will notify the buyer of the possibility of taking over
reserved goods, while this reservation is valid for 3 working days and it starts from this
notification via e-mail or SMS message, and if it is not received within the specified period,
the reservation expires. The buyer has the possibility to modify any items of the reservation or theirs
to refuse, even in part. In this case, ownership passes to the buyer momentarily
payment for the goods and the contract is created only by the purchase itself in the seller’s store.

Article IV.

Terms of payment

1. It is possible to pay for goods and services in the e-shop in the following ways:
1/1. cash on delivery payment (you pay directly to the courier when you pick up the goods)
1/2. payment in cash upon personal collection at the store – reservation of goods
1/3. payment on the basis of an advance invoice – in advance, the goods will be dispatched after receiving the payment
funds to our account
1/4. payment on the basis of an invoice with the due date specified in the invoice

1/5. payment on Card Pay
2. Surcharges for individual payment options are listed in Art. VI of these general business
3. The seller can provide the buyer with discount options:
3/1. repeat purchase discount,
3/2. discount based on a one-time discount coupon,
4. The discounts provided cannot be cumulated.

Article V.

Terms of Delivery

1. The seller is obliged to send the goods to the buyer within 30 days from the creation of the order, if
did not agree otherwise, or if a longer delivery period was not specified for the goods.
2. If the goods are in stock, they are shipped according to capacity in the shortest possible time.
3. If the order includes several goods and services and some of them are not in stock, we inform
to the buyer with the possibility of partial deliveries.
4. Together with the goods, the customer is sent an invoice (tax document), instructions as well as other documents for
goods or services from the manufacturer.
5. The place to which the goods are delivered is considered the place of performance.
6. The seller realizes the transport to the buyer through:
Fullpost s.r.o.

Article VI.

Shipping fees, packaging and payment options

1. When paying in advance to a bank account on the basis of an advance invoice or through payment methods
gates, we charge for transport to the territory of the Slovak Republic:
1/1. Postage is 4 Euro.
1/2. The seller can also agree with the buyer on other than the standard (mentioned above)
the procedure for sending goods or services as well as the prices for these services.
1/3. The seller can send the goods that are immediately available to the buyer and the remaining part of the order
will deliver additionally within the statutory period, provided, however, that the buyer will not be charged any
additional postage, in addition to that which was included in the order.

Article VII.

Transfer of ownership

1. The right of ownership passes from the seller to the buyer at the moment of taking over the item from
seller or carrier.

Article VIII.

Cancellation of the purchase contract

1. The buyer has the right to cancel the ordered goods or services within 24 hours from the conclusion of the purchase contract
no cancellation fee for goods that are made to order, according to specific requirements
consumer or specifically for one consumer.

Article IX.

The right of the consumer to return the goods without giving a reason and the instruction of the consumer

1. Based on Act no. 102/2014 Coll. on consumer protection when selling goods or
provision of services on the basis of a contract concluded at a distance or a contract concluded outside
of the seller’s premises and on the amendment of certain laws (hereinafter referred to as
“Law”) according to the provisions of § 7 et seq. the right to withdraw from the purchase contract within 14 calendar days
days from the day of taking over the goods, if the seller has fulfilled the information obligations according to this law, for
in other cases, para. 2 or 3 of the Act. If the subject of the purchase contract is the delivery of goods,
the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract even before the delivery of the goods.
2. If the consumer wants to use this right, he is obliged to personally withdraw from the purchase contract in writing
deliver at the latest on the last day of the specified period to the seller’s contact address during his
operating hours or submit this withdrawal by mail on the last day at the latest
deadlines to the address given in the contacts, or such exercise of the right can be exercised
also in the form of writing on another durable medium. The consumer is obliged after notification of withdrawal from
of the contract to send or personally deliver the subject of the contract from which he withdraws together with everything
documentation – e.g. the original invoice, instructions and other documentation for the goods that was given to him
delivered together with the goods, but no later than 14 days from the date of withdrawal (§10, paragraph 1 of the Act).
We recommend buyers to make a copy of the invoice for their own use and send the goods
registered and as an insured shipment. You can use the following form to withdraw from the contract:
Withdrawals from the purchase contract, in which it is necessary to fill in the minimum data marked with “*” –

3. Do not send the goods to us on cash on delivery, the shipment will not be accepted.
4. The operator of the e-shop will return the payment made for the goods / service, including the costs of transport in
within the meaning of para. §9 par. 3) Act no. 102/2014 Coll. as well as costs demonstrably spent on
ordering goods within 14 days from the date of delivery of withdrawal from the contract, but does not have to return the money
before the goods are delivered to him or the consumer does not prove that the goods have been sent, this does not apply in the case of
the seller suggested that he pick up the goods himself.
5. The cost of returning the goods is borne by the consumer.
6. The right to withdraw from the contract does not apply to goods and services defined in §7 par. 6
letter a) to l) of Act no. 102/2014. z.z. Note on point 6. – these include, for example, goods
made on the basis of consumer requirements, goods that are not possible for hygienic reasons

return if it was packed and this packaging was broken, sell records if their protective packaging was broken
and the like, the current wording being available in the applicable law referred to in this point.
7. The consumer bears any reduction in the value of the goods that was caused by its use over
the framework necessary to determine the functionality and properties of the goods.

Article X.

Rights and obligations of the contracting parties

1. The seller and the buyer are considered to be contractual parties.
2. The buyer is obliged to:
2/1. take over the ordered goods, this does not affect the right to withdraw from the contract,
2/2. pay the agreed remuneration for the goods or services to the seller,
2/3. check the integrity of the package or and the goods themselves when they are received.
3. The seller is obliged to:
3/1. deliver goods to the customer in the required quality, quantity and at the agreed price,
3/2. ensure that the offered goods comply with the legal regulations in force in the Slovak Republic,
3/3. together with the goods or additionally send the customer all the documents related to the goods such as for example
invoice for the goods, claim form, user manual in the codified form of the Slovak language.

Article XI.


1. Personal data are processed in accordance with Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data v
wording of later regulations.

2. The operator does not provide the buyer’s personal data to a third party, except for the selected carrier
the company that ensures the delivery of goods or services, or state authorities in the case
controls, or to an intermediary based on a mutual agreement concluded in accordance with the Act
no. 18/2018 Coll.

3. The operator is obliged to secure personal data before they are made available to unauthorized persons
persons, by adopting appropriate technical and organizational measures. Also all employees
of the operator are obliged to observe confidentiality in relation to personal data.
4. The person concerned has the rights defined in accordance with section § 19 et seq. Act no. 18/2018 Coll. about protection
personal data as amended, specifically:
4/1. the right to information, which is fulfilled by this content and business conditions,
4/2 the right to request access to personal data concerning the person concerned – § 21 of the Act consists
in your right to demand in what way and for what purposes your data is processed, while this
you can address the request to the contact e-mail.,
4/3. the right to correct personal data – § 22 of the Act allows you to correct personal data, if any
out of date
4/4. you can use the right to delete personal data – § 23 of the Act if you are not interested in
the operator continued to process personal data,
4/5. the right to limit the processing of personal data – § 24 of the Act applies in the event that
you believe that personal data has been processed in violation of the law,
4/6. the right to object to the processing of personal data – § 27 of the Act,
4/7. the right to portability of personal data,

4/8. the right to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority in relation to processed personal data.
5. The operator obtains the following personal data from the buyer: title, first name, last name, address,
delivery address, billing address, telephone number, e-mail address. ……which are processed
for the purpose of correct processing of your order. These personal data are stored for 10
years for archiving purposes. Personal data is processed as part of the processing of the order
for the purpose of issuing invoices, issuing warehouse (delivery) notes, securing transport as well
6. These sites record your IP address, information about the time and how much time you spend viewing them
pages and information about which pages you come to us from. Cookies are text files that are
stored on your computer and are also used to measure site traffic and personalization
page views and thanks to these files we can offer you better content. Hence these
we perceive the files as our legitimate interest. Some cookies are files of third parties, e.g.
Youtube, Google and the like.
7. You can delete cookies at any time or set their collection directly in the settings
internet browser. If you want to refuse the collection of cookies, set it in yours
internet browser.

8. If the buyer agreed to the processing of personal data in the e-shop for the purposes of e-mail marketing,
agreed to send e-mail messages to the contact e-mail address.
9. Personal data for e-mail marketing purposes in the scope of first and last name, e-mail address are
provided for a period of five years. These personal data are not provided to third parties.
10. The buyer can revoke his consent at any time by sending a Revocation with personal data processing
data, while we delete these immediately. Logging out is also possible by unchecking the box
in the user’s user account (if the buyer has requested the creation of a user account). From our side
We will no longer use the personal data you provide for email marketing purposes.
11. If the buyer agreed to the processing of personal data in the e-shop for the purposes of SMS marketing, he agreed
with sending SMS messages to a contact phone number.
12. Personal data for SMS marketing purposes in the scope of name and surname, telephone number are
provided for a period of five years.
13. The buyer can revoke his consent at any time by sending a Revocation with personal data processing
data, while we delete these immediately. Logging out is also possible by unchecking the box
in the user’s user account (if the buyer has requested the creation of a user account). From our side
We will no longer use the personal data you provide for email marketing purposes.

Article XII.

Compensation for damage in the event of non-acceptance of the goods

1. The seller has the right to compensation for damages (according to § 420 et seq. of the Civil Code), in
in case the buyer ordered goods that he did not cancel or did not withdraw from the contract and at the same time from
the carrier did not take over the goods or after the seller’s request in the case of personal collection
he did not take over the goods within the specified collection period. By this action, the buyer violated his stated obligation
in Art. X point 2 letter a), according to which the buyer is obliged to take over the ordered goods.
2. When determining the amount of compensation for damages, the seller takes into account primarily transport costs and s
associated fees in the case of sending the goods, costs associated with packaging, shipping and
administration of the order as well as all other costs incurred by him with the realization of the subject
orders and at the same time has the right to charge the lost profit.

3. The seller has the right not to exercise the right to compensation for damages or to exercise this right only from

Article XIII.

Final provisions

1. The seller reserves the right to amend these general terms and conditions and
complaint conditions even without prior notice to the buyer. In case of change
general business conditions or complaint conditions, the entire purchase process is governed
through those general terms and conditions that were valid at the time of dispatch
orders by buyers and these are accessible on the seller’s website.
2. Complaints are an integral part of these general terms and conditions
3. By sending the order, the buyer has read the general business terms and conditions as well as the complaint terms

4. These general business conditions and complaint conditions are available at the headquarters of the company k
for inspection by the buyer, as well as published on the website of the e-shop.
5. If the consumer is not satisfied with the way in which the seller handled his complaint or
if he believes that the seller has violated his rights, he has the opportunity to contact the seller o
by requesting correction. If the seller responds negatively to the request for correction or does not respond to it
within 30 days from the date of its dispatch, the consumer has, pursuant to § 12 of Act no. 391/2015 Coll. about
alternative resolution of consumer disputes and the right to file amendments to certain laws
a proposal to start an alternative resolution of your dispute. To the relevant entity for an alternative solution
of consumer disputes with the e-shop operator is the Slovak Trade Inspection (www.soi.sk)
or another relevant authorized legal entity registered in the list of alternative solution entities
disputes led by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic
1/list-of-subjects-of-alternative-resolution-of-consumer-disputes-1), while the consumer has
the right to choose which of the listed entities of alternative resolution of consumer disputes
reverse. At the same time, the consumer can use his dispute to submit a proposal for an alternative resolution
online dispute resolution platform available at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

The consumer can find information about the fees for the proposal on the website of the specific one
of the subject of alternative dispute resolution.
6. Relationships not otherwise regulated in these general business conditions as in their inseparable
parts (appendices) are governed by the relevant provisions, primarily Act no. 40/1964 Coll.
Act no. 250/2007 Coll., Act no. 102/2014 Coll., Act no. 18/2018 Coll., Act no. 22/2004 Coll. how
also Act no. 513/1991 Coll.
7. In case of concluding another contract with the buyer with different conditions, the conditions listed in
the contract takes precedence over the general terms and conditions.
8. These general terms and conditions, including their integral parts, become valid a
effective Oct. 15 2022.

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